About Us - The South Africa Surf Tours Story - South Africa Surf Tours

The Story

About Us

Surfing, Simple Living
& The Great Outdoors

SA Surf Tours About

Hey! We’re Tracey & Ru, the founders of South Africa Surf Tours. We are a South African couple with a passion for the ocean, nature, good food, coffee, and people. Ru is a qualified teacher, and I am a digital marketing specialist. Before we began South Africa Surf Tours at the end of 2017, our lives were pretty much run by corporate deadlines and long working hours. After a while, we decided to try doing things a little differently to the way we’d always known. As cliche as it sounds, we decided to quit our jobs and travel to Asia, where we taught English and travelled to some amazing countries.

In comes South Africa Surf Tours…

After a year of travelling, we knew it was time to come home and start the business we’d dreamt of- South Africa Surf Tours. Our passion was still with our home country, and we’d gained a whole new appreciation for the variety of pumping, uncrowded waves we had become accustomed to. Our vision was to provide international travellers with local insight into the best surf spots in South Africa. We wanted to share the spots that we’re lucky enough to surf regularly, with others who we knew would appreciate it.


We wanted to share our love for the simple things in life, helping our guests disconnect from the hustle & bustle of their daily routines. 


The idea was born after meeting many surfers on our travels that had heard about South Africa’s waves & natural beauty, but had hesitations about visiting our country. Their hesitations ranged from safety concerns, to not knowing where the best surf spots were, and which conditions to visit them on. Our vision was to create a way for foreigners to experience our country in the best way possible- with an experienced surf guide. Put simply, our goal for each surf trip is to ensure that we safely deliver our visitors to the South African waves of their dreams, making sure they have the best time along the way.

So far, each day has been rewarding. We have had the opportunity to spend more time in nature than ever before. We’ve watched as our guests experience the wonder that is South Africa for the first time. We’ve met loads of incredible people. All in all, we’re just grateful for this life that we get to live, and we can’t wait to see where this venture takes us next.

If you’re considering a trip to South Africa or Namibia, we highly recommend it (besides the fact that it’s our business), it’s genuinely a one-of-a-kind place. With the right people to show you around, you’re in for a trip of a lifetime.

Get In Touch

Whether you’re just browsing, or ready to book your trip, get in touch with us. We’d love to answer any questions you have.
